Everything led up to this. Seeing a sight so similar to one that you would have seen. Feeling the feeling that you might have felt. The thing that was spoken about so many times.
It was as if you had already seen that same sight. Felt that same feeling. Experienced the same experience. Just through words.
And now you’re there. Time has come and given you the opportunity to feel the feeling someone might have felt. Through your own eyes, see the view you might have had. It is truly miraculous, healing, priviledged, soothing, saddening, but all-in-all.
Just. Fucking. Amazing.
What a sight. What a calm. What a... I am not sure any words do it justice.
Stop for a second.
You cry.
Feel. The sand.
Touching your toes.
Sit. Smile.
Laugh even.
We’re there. Its okay.
Thank you.
P.S. I miss you.